Our mission is to inspire women to excel in technology careers

This 4 month virtual program teaches girls—trans and cis—and non-binary students the computer science skills they need to make an impact in their community while preparing for a career in tech. The Fellowship is a remote internship alternative for aspiring technologists. Spend 4 month building your skills by collaborating on real-world projects.

Participants will get exposure to tech jobs, meet women in tech careers, and join a supportive sisterhood of girls in tech. We envision a world where women are proportionally represented as technical leaders, executives, founders, VCs, board members, and software engineers.


Women of Code is the flagship event of Team Learn For Cause where we provide fellowship to 250 female applicants to get them started with Open Source Software Development and Research. WOCode 2022 will bring multiple events and opportunities under the banner of WOCode. The following listed below is the projected planner and event workflow of WOCode 2022.

WOCode 2022 Event Details

  1. WOCode Fellowship
  2. WOCode Summit
  3. WOCode Hack 1.0

WOCode Fellowship

WOCode will provide fellowship to 250 female applicants to get them started with Open Source Software Development and Research. The selection criteria will solely depend upon the application the individual signs up for. The selection process will be under the jurisdiction of the Industry Experts at Learn For Cause. The fellowship will continue for straight two weeks and will be leaded by the Devel and Research Team of Learn For Cause. This 4 month virtual program teaches girls—trans and cis—and non-binary students the computer science skills they need to make an impact in their community while preparing for a career in tech. The Fellowship is a remote internship alternative for aspiring technologists. Fellows will spend 4 month building skills by collaborating on real-world projects.

WOCode Summit 2022

WOCode Summit 2022 is one of the biggest celebration of futuristic technology, start-ups, entrepreneurship, open source, research and diversity, hosted by Team Learn For Cause. It is a celebration of Women in Tech, Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation with 20+ Companies/Communities and Startups. The highlights of the event are listed below -